

50% off Xero for two months:
To get 50% off Xero business edition and partner edition for two months, just use the promo code ROADSHOW50NZ before 21 December 2018.

Free Xero upgrades for three months:
Upgrade your subscription or add on Xero Projects or Xero Payroll and pay nothing extra for three months when you use the promo code ROADSHOW3UP before 21 December 2018.

50% off WorkflowMax for two months:
To get 50% off WorkflowMax for two months use the promo code ROADSHOWAS before 24 December 2018.

Follow the link below for more information on Xero and their partner products:


Phone: 09 294 8382
Fax: 09 294 8385
1 / 236 Great South Road
Drury Auckland